Hello! Today I'm back with a post I've wanted to do for absolutely ages. Amy of NailpolishBabyyNinety posted a video a while back going through the alphabet and finding an indie brand for as many letters as possible. I figured I could do a blog post version, and after way too long, here it is! I'm going to pick a random brand for each letter that I can, and show a single polish from that brand. Read on to see how many letters I'm missing!
A to Z of Indie Brands @acertainbeccaa
*Polishes marked with an asterisk were gifted to me for swatching. A - 'Ard As Nails 'Getting Berry Cold'*. I had to get started with a UK indie! The last few 'Ard As Nails polishes I've worn are all flakie crellies. Kat is releasing a flakie crelly collection soon, so I may have to grab some!
'Ard As Nails 'Getting Berry Cold' @acertainbeccaa |
B - Beau Polish 'It's Not Me, It Mustard Be You'*. Another UK indie that I feel is very underappreciated!
Beau Polish 'It's Not Me, It Mustard Be You' @acertainbeccaa |
C - Cirque Colors 'Hatch'. I have a fair few Cirque's, but I couldn't resist this classic.
Cirque Colors 'Hatch' @acertainbeccaa |
D - Danglefoot Nail Polish 'It's For The Breast'*. Those who know me know I have a full helmer drawer just for my Danglefoots, so this was a hard choice. I ended up cheating and picking the polish Hayley created for a collab with my brand A Certain Becca Lacquer.
Danglefoot Nail Polish 'It's For The Breast' @acertainbeccaa |
E - Ever After Polish 'Ketchup Smothered French Fries'. I loved Ever After's flakie polishes, but this fun combination has always been my favourite.
Ever After Polish 'Ketchup Smothered French Fries' @acertainbeccaa |
F - Frenzy Polish 'Apple Picking'. Another fun crelly combo! I have quite a few Frenzy polishes but haven't shared many on here, I really should show them a bit more love.
Frenzy Polish 'Apple Picking' @acertainbeccaa |
G - Glam Polish 'The Best Futterwacken in all of Witzend'. I have more Glam Polishes than I'd like to admit, so I went with one from the amazing It's Only A Dream Alice collection.
Glam Polish 'The Best Futterwacken in all of Witzend' @acertainbeccaa |
H - I have no H indies! The first one that comes to mind is Hare Polish, which I've never tried and no longer exist - but I do love the look of their crellies.
I - ILNP 'Pretty Little Liar'. This sat in my untrieds for over 5 years for no good reason - eek!
ILNP 'Pretty Little Liar' @acertainbeccaa |
J - Jindie Nails 'Snow Angels'. My one and only Jindie polish!
Jindie Nails 'Snow Angels' @acertainbeccaa |
K - KBShimmer 'Snow Much Fun'. This is a go to polish for me every winter, I just love the snowflake glitters so much.
KBShimmer 'Snow Much Fun' @acertainbeccaa |
L - Love, Angeline 'Pass Me The Sweet Hearts'. I managed to grab a few Love, Angeline polishes before the brand closed, but this is hands down my favourite. It's so soft and pretty.
Love, Angeline 'Pass Me The Sweet Hearts' @acertainbeccaa |
M - Mezmris Nail Lacquer 'Blue Moon'. Another UK indie brand, but unfortunately one that no longer exists!
Mezmris Nail Lacquer 'Blue Moon' @acertainbeccaa |
N - Nine Zero Lacquer 'Ectoplasm'. I have a lot of Nine Zero polishes in my collection, and this has always been one of my favourites. It's very Halloweeny but I'll happily wear it all year round.
Nine Zero Lacquer 'Ectoplasm' @acertainbeccaa |
O - Opulent Essences 'Dirty Snowball'*. Another underrated UK indie! Sharon's polishes are lovely. Just look at those teeny flakes!
Opulent Essences 'Dirty Snowball' @acertainbeccaa |
P - Polished for Days 'Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Fantasy'. I had a fair few options for P, but this sparkly number won out of my recent P swatches.
Polished for Days 'Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Fantasy' @acertainbeccaa |
Q - I have no Q's either. I did have a Quirk polish but I sent it to Amy - funnily enough, I think it was Amy's only Q!
R - Rogue Lacquer 'Peter Pan's Flight'. There's a lot of flakie crellies in this list, but I promise this is the last one! Following on from Ever After, I can't resist a Rogue flakie polish.
Rogue Lacquer 'Peter Pan's Flight' @acertainbeccaa |
S - Sweet Heart Polish 'Disneyland or Bust'. I still don't know what I was thinking swatching this over a black, the poor Mickey Mouse glitters had no chance.
Sweet Heart Polish 'Disneyland or Bust' @acertainbeccaa |
(I love how those last three are all Disney polishes, totally coincidental but I do love my Disney!)
T - Tonic Polish 'Oops!' from Polish Con Chicago 2017. I don't actually have a lot of Tonic polishes. My favourite is 'Light of Lyra', but I do like this bold coppery oops.
Tonic Polish 'Oops!' @acertainbeccaa |
U - No U's! I can't even think of an indie brand beginning with U. There's gotta be some out there though!
V - Virago Varnish 'Coronado'. I always heard amazing things about Virago, but never had a chance to snag any before they closed. I did however get my hands on 3 bleached neons in a destash which were lovely.
Virago Varnish 'Coronado' @acertainbeccaa |
W - Wicked Polish 'Pox'. This was another one that sat in my untrieds pile for far too long, next to it's sibling 'Gangrene'. I thought they'd need white bases but was pleasantly surprised to be wrong.
Wicked Polish 'Pox' @acertainbeccaa |
X, Y, Z - I don't have any for these last few letters at all. If there's an X brand then I've never heard of it, but I'm sure there's plenty for both Y and Z.
What do you think? I managed to find something for 20 out of the 26 letters of the alphabet - not great, but not too shabby either! I think Amy had the same amount, though she did have brands for H and Q, and had gaps for O and V instead. How many would you be able to do? I may try and do a mainstream/drugstore version soon, although I have just thinned my collection massively - so we'll see how well it goes!
You can find Amy's A-Z of Indie Nail Polish video on her YouTube channel here.
Hope to see you in the next post!
Becca x
Q: Quixotic*
ReplyDeleteU: Uberchic
X: XOXO Nail Candy (out of business)
Z: Zombie Claw*, Zaftig (out of business)
* Often in the monthly Polish Pickup which is available in the UK.