
Saturday, 25 April 2020

Easter Speckled Polish Swatches

Hello! I can't believe it's been nearly 8 months since I last published anything on here. Since having my little boy, time has gone so quickly and I just haven't sat down to write a blog post. I have been posting much more regularly on Instagram (you can find me @acertainbeccaa here), and have debated popping back over here for a while now - so here I am! 

I always love a speckled polish around Easter time, so I figured I'd start there and show you some quick swatches of the ones I've been wearing this year. Read on for my full swatches and more info!

Easter Speckled Polish Swatches @acertainbeccaa

The first two polishes are from the Models Own Speckled Egg Collection.

'Swan' is a soft lilac crelly packed full of matte black glitters. Below is three coats with topcoat.

Models Own 'Swan' @acertainbeccaa

'Magpie' is a minty green crelly packed full of the same matte black glitter. Below is three coats with topcoat.

Models Own 'Magpie' @acertainbeccaa

The next two polishes are both from Cirque Colors.

'Astra' is a pale pink crelly full of speckles. I did struggle a bit with the formula on this one, but it was a well-loved bottle from a destash that seems to have thickened a fair bit. I also forgot that the older Cirque's were lavender scented until putting this on! Below is two coats with topcoat.

Cirque Colors 'Astra' @acertainbeccaa

I also added a matte topcoat, to make it more 'mini egg' like.

Cirque Colors 'Astra' (Matte) @acertainbeccaa

'Hatch' is a white crelly with black speckles. The formula on this one was much better. Below is three coats with topcoat.

Cirque Colors 'Hatch' @acertainbeccaa

What do you think? Are you a speckled polish fan? I just can't escape the comparison in my mind to mini eggs, so they'll always be a firm favourite for me every Easter. I was convinced I had the full Models Own Speckled Egg Collection, and I only had these two, so I'll make it a mission to find the others before next year!

I definitely don't think I'm going to go back to posting on here as much as I was before, but I have missed it. I think I might stick to the odd 'themed' post like this, along with any collection swatches, and the occasional (monthly?) swatch/mani catch up.

Hope to see you in the next post!
Becca x


  1. These are lovely, I do love this finish. I had the yellow Models Own when it came out - Goose I think yeah?

    1. Yay me too! Yep there's definitely one called Goose, I don't have that one though!
